Unique Bar Promotion Ideas That Are Sure To Increase Your Bar Sales

The Pubs and Bars in Britain have a competitive business. Alcohol is a social part of the British culture and the younger population is seen enjoying the concept of nightlife, pubs, and bars. We are able to see an increase in bars and breweries across the country and to speed up your pub and bar life we have got few promotional ideas.

Bar Promotion Ideas:

Let’s see some Innovative Bar promotion ideas to increase your Pub rush:

Happy Hours: Happy hours are something that everyone looks forward to. A bar without happy hours is incomplete. To increase your customers during the daytime or on a slow night this is the most tried and tested way to promote your bar. This type of sale boosts your pub and attracts the attention of the people. Update your social media posts with upcoming happy hours and send personal messages to the customers to act as a reminder to visit the pub and enjoy the happy hours.

Email and SMS target promotions: Promoting your bar must be done in the right way or else its no use running special offers or hosting any events. Always target the right customers at the right time to generate good marketing results. The reason behind attracting fewer customers even after good promotion is because of not targeting the correct customers. For instance, if you have a lady’s night out then send SMS or Email to lady customers instead of everyone.

Arrange Karaoke Nights: Karaoke Nights is the next big thing on the cards. It’s one of the best ways to promote Pubs and Bars. Karaoke is a fun activity which means a large group of friends will visit you. Having karaoke nights on a weekday attracts a corporate crowd who can come and enjoy few drinks and sing to unwind the day-long work.

Live Screening Of Games: Well we all know that drinks and sports are a great combination. They always go hand in hand making it easy to promote your pub. You can try to give a free drink to celebrate the success of the winning team or give a gift card.

Musical Gigs & Artistic Events: Hosting some good musical gigs can be a better way to promote your bar. A perfect artistic event can attract huge crowds of people and you can promote this event in social media trying to reach more people through a word of mouth marketing. Such events may attract several new customers who may not have come to your bar.

Fun-Friday’s: What’s needed for weekends is to get drunk and enjoy fun games. Once a week host games like Poker, Dart Games, Dice Drinking Games, etc where your customers can enjoy their alcohol along with some Friday fun events. Think of a flat price if someone wants to play a game, this way you get at least the least cost of your alcohol. Such games could also cost much, as people get too carried away with the games, so we suggest you have good security as well as put a time for how long a game will be played.

Special Menu Item: Marketing strategy is a great way to bring in customers. People always recognize a bar through its signature dish or drink. So, try creating a great dish or drink and publicize it on your menu items. Another great way to attract customers is to post it on social media pages. In the menu add it to the bestseller list so that next time people will surely think of your dish when someone reminds them of your bar.

Theme Nights: This idea will surely work out to attract customers. Try to break the monotony of going out to a bar in a routine way. Come up with exciting themes that could match up with the bar atmosphere. Don’t forget to publicize the theme on social media pages. Create an event page and share it through SMS or Emails. You can keep discounts on your drinks to bring in the crowd to ensure an increase in alcohol sales over the discount you offered.

Blog Page:  No wonder people have a great way to reach your place through blogs. Add information about your bar, events, customer stories, memories of special events. Tell customers about food, different drinks to attract regular readers. 

So, next time you think to own a new bar or Pub follow these tips as it might be a competitive stressful job but promoting the bar in the right way adds a cherry to the icing in running a successful venture. Do follow these rules and look at your profits to reach the sky !!

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